Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 1 of Being Back On The Nutrition Train

Today kind of sucked. I'll be honest. I was grumpy all day because I got very little sleep, had parent issues, and the kids were absolutely crazy. That's the one down side to being a teacher. Trying to teach children during the week before a 2 week holiday is extremely difficult and frustrating!! 2 more days, 2 more days...

I did great on my nutrition today, in fact...I have 210 calories left for the day. I'm still in that "tired of bad food" stage but I know it won't last for long. That's when I'll have to implement some will power.

Went to the gym tonight and did:

100 crunches
Arm weights
Leg weights
2 miles @ 27:50

Pace was very slow today because I was in some pain. It was my first run since my marathon and I had terrible stiffness in the legs and some back pain. I really need to up the stretching.

Nutrition for today:


lowfat string cheese


100 calorie popcorn

PB sandwich
whole grain goldfish (love those)

Haven't decided yet!

So yeah, I'm out of it today because it's been such a crappy day and I'm still trying to wake up from my 2 hour nap after school. I still should have no problem sleeping tonight. I'm hoping I feel better about things tomorrow. At this point I just want this day to be over.

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